Privacy Policy


Voxtur is committed to maintaining the privacy of our clients, consumers, and vendors. This privacy policy and agreement covers how we collect, use, and treat personal information that we may collect through interacting or participating in our products and services.

It’s important that you read this notice carefully, as by accessing any of our products and services you represent that you have read and understood this privacy notice.

Types of Personal Information Collected

Voxtur provides real estate technology solutions and services for lenders, investors, government agencies, and homeowners. Any information we collect about you that can be personally tied to your identity is protected as “Personally Identifiable Information” (PII). PII may include:

  • Identifiers/Personal Information (for example, name, address, phone number);
  • Lender Information (for example, lender designee name, lender identification number);
  • Property Details (for example, site photos, inspection data);
  • Transaction Information (for example, credit card purchases);
  • Protected Federal and State Classifications (for example, age, citizenship status, national origin, or ancestry);
  • Geolocation Data;
  • Browser Collected Data;
  • Professional or Employment Information;
  • Educational Information;
  • Sensory data (for example, audio from call recordings);
  •  Pseudonymous Identifiers
  • Inferences drawn from any information identified above to create a profile

Data Sources

During the course of performing services the following data may be collected from:

  • You, as a course of providing services
  • Applications or other forms we receive from your lender or authorized representative
  • The services performed by us or our affiliates
  • Voxtur owned web sites and services
  • Public Records data maintained by local government jurisdictions
  • Third party sources such as social networks

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

Voxtur websites and platforms deploy “cookie” technology to collect and measure website activity including domain names, IP addresses, browser types, and other unique identifiers. Cookies are small data files that are downloaded by the browser when you access certain websites.

These cookies may be placed by us or by a third-party service. Our sites and platforms use the following types of cookies:

  • Required Cookies – These cookies are required for the user to navigate the site or service.
  • Performance Cookies – These cookies collect information about site and platform performance, including session and errors. Performance data is aggregated anonymously and is used to improve platform features and functionality.
  • Functional Cookies – These cookies enhance the user experience by storing user preferences and settings.
  • Analytics Cookies – These are third-party cookies such as Google Analytics and are designed to analyze visitor data and activity. Analytics Cookies are aggerated anonymously and used to understand and improve the visitor experience.
  • Marketing/Targeting Cookies – Voxtur may engage third-parties services to track statistical performance of our advertisements. The information provided to third parties does not include personally identifiable information when collected but may be reassociated with Personal data once received.

Most browsers provide tools that allow users to manage their cookies. If you do not want your information collected through cookies, you may choose to decline the cookie. For more information about managing your cookies, please review the browser documentation.

We may also include small graphic images known as “Internet tags” or “clear gifs,” in our web pages and email messages. We may use “Internet tags” or similar technologies for several purposes, including measuring user activity.

We may also use third-party Pixels which help guide campaign insights by allowing us to infer what you’ve seen on our page.

California Privacy Rights

Pursuant to California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), you have control over how your information is shared with third parties for marketing purposes. To opt-out of us sharing your information with third parties for such promotional purposes, email us at or write to us at the contact information below.

In addition, California residents have certain other rights concerning their personal information. Most of the information collected by Voxtur is regulated by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) which exempts it from the CCPA. This section describes the data privacy rights that are subject to CCPA Compliance.

Personal Information Collected
If you are a California Consumer, please be aware that we collect and maintain Personally Identifiable information within the Voxtur Platform as outlined in the Types of Information Collected section of this Privacy Policy. We will not collect additional categories of information without providing notice.

Your Privacy Rights
California consumers may exercise under certain conditions the following four (4) categories of privacy rights with respect to their personal information:

  • The right to know about the personal information a business collects about them and how it is used and shared;
  • The right to delete personal information collected from them (with some exceptions);
  • The right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information; and
  • The right to non-discrimination for exercising their CCPA rights.

Exercising Your Rights
If you would like to exercise your privacy rights, please email us at or mail us at the address provided in the ‘Contacting Us’ section of this policy. Please include the right you are exercising, information to help us verify your identify, and provide a contact preference.

Children’s Online Privacy

Our platforms and technology are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect Personally Identifiable information (PII) from children under the age of 13. We request that individuals under the age of 16 do not submit information. If you believe that information from underage users was collected, please contact our compliance department below, and we will delete any associated data.

Information Sharing

Voxtur does not sell your personal information to any third parties. We may share your Personal Information in the following circumstances:

  • Within Voxtur – Voxtur restricts access to non-public information to employees who need to know that information to perform their tasks. We may also share your information within our family of companies as necessary to perform services.
  • Service Providers – Voxtur may occasionally work with third-party service providers such as real estate agents, appraisers, or notaries. Voxtur may provide access to the minimum personal information necessary to perform the service.
  • Business Providers – We may share Personal Information to our trusted business partners. These partners may use your information to, among other things, send you information or contact you about their services and products.
  • Law Enforcement or Regulatory Officials – There may be circumstances where your personal information may be provided to law enforcement or regulatory officials where required by law.
  • With Your Consent or At Your Direction – In addition to the sharing described in this Privacy Policy, we may share your information with third parties whenever you consent to or direct such sharing.

Data Storage, Security, and Retention

Voxtur has taken reasonable steps to protect the user data, including, but not limited to, setup of processes, equipment, and software to avoid unauthorized access or disclosure of this information. All data is securely processed and stored in its country of origin.

We will retain your Personal Information for as long as we reasonably require it for our business purposes, or longer if required to comply with our legal, financial reporting, or compliance obligations, which may include the period after the customer relationship has ceased.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and, although we will take steps to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information transmitted via the website, any transmission is therefore at your own risk.

Your Data Rights

To allow you appropriate control over your Personally Identifiable Information (PII), we allow you to change or update, remove or opt-out of sharing your PII at any time. To view, update, change or opt-out, please make a written request to Voxtur.

If you have requested your Personally Identifiable Information to be removed, Voxtur will provide you with a certificate of destruction.


If you are currently receiving marketing communication materials and would like us to remove you from our marketing lists, please request removal using the contact information below.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this policy or any of our privacy practices, please email us at Alternately, write us at:

Voxtur Analytics Corp.
ATTN: Chief Legal Officer
5404 Cypress Center Drive, Suite 300
Tampa, FL 33609

Policy Updates

Please note that this policy may be amended from time to time. Unless otherwise indicated, any changes to this Policy will apply immediately upon posting to our site so please check our site periodically for updates.

This policy was last updated on 07/12/2021.